How Solar Companies Can Advance Consumer Protections 

Nearly nine out of ten households express satisfaction with their solar panels. That being said, there’s still a need to enhance consumer protections within the solar industry and ensure homeowner peace of mind. Multiple industry associations and their members are coming together to form coalitions and create widespread change. Here are a few things solar companies can do to help!

Learn about Recheck:

One of the key industry efforts to better protect consumers is the Recheck ID verification system. This innovative platform adds transparency and accountability to the solar sales process by having solar professionals verify their identity and credentials. To learn more about Recheck and how it can benefit your business, visit the Recheck website.

We also put together a quick FAQ about Recheck to answer some of your basic questions. Mosaic is currently integrating Recheck into our platform to make it simple for installers to register and use the tool when the time comes.

Increase certifications and trainings:

Certifications and ongoing trainings are essential to help professionals meet the highest standard of service. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is partnering with Recheck to drive the adoption of SEIA's upcoming American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited Consumer Protection Standard training. Be sure to expand your knowledge with this training, and others like it, as they become available.

All solar professionals have a responsibility to adhere to consumer protections. Having conversations about the importance of certifications and seeking opportunities to participate in trainings can ensure exceptional customer service and contribute to higher standards in the solar industry.

Put customers at the center:

Placing the customer at the heart of your business is one of the easiest ways to further consumer protection. Strive to enhance customer satisfaction through every part of the sales process, including around the kitchen table and in customer service departments.

One training is not enough. Be sure to implement recurring training sessions for your teams. Use relevant and timely customer feedback to help these teams handle any situations that arise. Investing in your service teams can significantly contribute to better interactions and a more positive customer experience overall.

The residential solar industry is still fairly young. As it matures, organizations and pros need to create sustainable practices that contribute to the longevity of the industry. Solar companies can take time to improve and refine sales processes, invest in training for team members and learn from customer feedback to grow their business while helping to strengthen the industry.

Financing applied for and processed through the Mosaic platform is originated by Solar Mosaic LLC or one of its lending/financing partners. Equal Housing Lender

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