5 Ways Upgrades Can Raise Home Values

Home improvements have many benefits, including increased energy efficiency, lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint. Upgrades can also increase a home’s overall value.

High-performing, resilient homes are more valuable. Some improvements can even provide a return on investment during resale. In fact, 9 out of 10 people buying a home would choose a house with energy efficient features over a less expensive house without these upgrades.

Need a few stats for your next sales pitch to help you close more deals? Save this infographic to show your customers the additional benefits of home upgrades.

5_Ways_Upgrades_infographic_final (1)

Help homeowners afford the projects that can increase their home values — with Mosaic financing options!

Financing applied for and processed through the Mosaic platform is originated by Solar Mosaic LLC or one of its lending/financing partners. Equal Housing Lender

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