Sell More Solar to Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers are the second-largest generation and represent a vast, underserved customer base for the solar industry. Studies show that energy consumption increases with age, and that 77.8 percent of Baby Boomers in the United States are homeowners

However, statistics show that Americans between the ages of 50-64 are the lowest percentage of solar panel owners

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Recently, Mosaic conducted a survey of more than 2,000 people from this group to better understand how installers can get Baby Boomers on board with a cleaner, cheaper energy source.

Winning over Baby Boomers isn’t about selling them on the importance of green energy which many say they already care about— it’s about highlighting the economic advantages and removing installation obstacles. Installers who can meet the specific lifestyle needs of Baby Boomers and make solar easy and affordable will close more deals with this population.

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